Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Donovan a finalist in Bayou Prize

Aran Donovan's poem "Short Lists on a Diagnosis" was a finalist in Bayou Magazine's 2011 Poetry Prize.

Bassiri and Bowen in Best New Poets 2011

Poems by Kaveh Bassiri and Ash Bowen (MFA 2008) are in the Best New Poets 2011 (selected by D.A. Powell).

Friday, February 24, 2012

Steve Yarborough March 8th Reading

Visiting fiction writer Steve Yarbrough will be reading on Thursday, March 8th at 7 p.m. in Giffels Auditorium (University of Arkansas).

MFA Graduate Senior Readings

Please join us for the following MFA Graduate Senior readings at 7 PM in Giffels Auditorium (University of Arkansas).

March 9th: Nicole Nodi, Tom Menueire, Nikki Settlemeyer
March 15th: Jason Torrente, Nick Welch-Bolen
March 30th: Erin Jones, Kristin Mason
April 13th: Toby Wray, Erika Seay, April Christiansen

Donovan in Horse Literary Review

Aran Donovan's poem will be in the Iron Horse Literary Review (14.1).

Peterson in Barely South Review

Josh Peterson's story "To See the Bear," is forthcoming in the Barely South Review. His story "Air Supply" published in Saranac Review was nominated for the Pushcart Prize.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dearnley in Pinch

Stu Dearnley's story, "Not Sleeping With The New Girl," is published in The Pinch (vol. 32, Spring 2012).

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

9 by the Light (Wed, Feb 22)

9 by the Light reading will be on Wed, Feb 22nd, starting around 5:30 at the Wine Cellar (Fayetteville, AR). Readers include: Josh Peterson, Nick Welch-Bolen, Joe Trimble, and John Englehardt. Jack O'Neal is the emcee.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Williamson in The Southeast Review

Corrie Williamson's poem "Migraine/Ecotone" will appear in the next issue (30.2) of The Southeast Review.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Giles in Chicago Quarterly Review

Molly Giles has new stories forthcoming in the Chicago Quarterly Review and Winter Tales.

Wisconsin Fiction & Poetry Fellowship

Deadline for Wisconsin Fiction & Poetry Fellowship is Feb 29. You can read more about it at their website.

Poetry and Fiction applications guidelines are outlined below. All applicants must have an MFA or Ph.D. in Creative Writing in-hand by August 1, 2012, to qualify.

  • A $45.00 Application Fee payable to the UW-Madison Department of English.
  • A single cover sheet listing your name, address, phone number, email address and the title(s) of your writing sample, as well as the genre in which you are applying.
  • A resume or curriculum vitae.
  • The names, phone numbers, and email addresses of two recommenders.
  • A writing sample consisting of either 10 pages of poetry (single-spaced and stapled with no more than one poem per page, each new poem starting on a new page) or up to 30 pages of fiction (double-spaced and stapled). Fiction applications must consist of either one short story or a novel excerpt. Your name must not appear anywhere on your manuscript, and while previously published work may be submitted, your manuscript must in no way indicate that your work has been published.
  • A self-addressed stamped envelope for our decision.

Send your applications to the address below. Due to the number of applications we receive, we cannot confirm receipt of your application; if you wish to know that it arrived safely, we recommend using USPS Certified Mail:

Sean Bishop, Coordinator
Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing
[insert application genre here]
Department of English
600 N Park St, 6195A H.C. White Hall
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Harrington in Third Coast

Brett Harrington's poem "Elegy" will be coming out in the Fall 2012 issue of Third Coast. In the meantime, you can read two of his poems, "Unable to Sleep" and "Thaw," in the latest issue of Pebble Lake Review.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Settlelmeyer's translation in Absinthe

Nikki Settelmeyer's translation of HernĂ¡n Migoya's story, "A Man Alone in Paris," will be published in the Fall 2012 issue of Absinthe: New European Writing.

Three stories by Andersen-Bauer

Three pieces by Kaj Andersen-Bauer: "Impressions of Death and the Afterlife" in Fiction Bridge, Issue 2, "Three Letters to Val Kilmer" in Sqawk Back, 34, and "10 Stories About My Friends" in Squawk Back, 39.

Christiansen in Pebble Lake Review

April Christiansen's poem "Instead" was published in the Fall/Winter 2011 issue of Pebble Lake Review.

Brown in Nashville Review

You can find Joshua Brown's (J. Camp Brown) poem, "Mandolin in White Wood, Inlay" in Nashville Review, Fall 2011. There are also four of his poems archived in Prick of the Spindle, Vol. 5.3 (September 2011).