Friday, September 9, 2011

Heffernan in The Gettysburg Review

Michael Heffernan's poems “The Silver Strand" and "The Snake Charmer" appear in The Gettysburg Review, 24:3 (Autumn 2011).

Cellpoems, a poetry journal

Cellpoems, a text-message based poetry journal, is looking for submissions of short poems and poem reviews.

Past contributors include Sherman Alexie, Charles Simic, Kimiko Hahn, Matthea Harvey, and Matthew Rohrer.

GUIDELINES:  Poems must be less than 140 characters in length (including spaces) and reviews must be less than 200 characters (including spaces). We accept simultaneous submissions, but do not consider previously published work. Please see our website for additional information:

Henriksen's first book

Matt Henriksen’s (MFA 2004) first book of poems, Ordinary Sun, came out in spring 2011 from Black Ocean and has been on the Small Press Distributions' bestseller list for the past three months.

Dearnley, a runner up in The Pinch contest

Stuart Dearnley was a runner up in The Pinch’s fiction contest.

Meunier at ALTA

Thomas A. Meunier will be reading from both the original German and his translation of a short story by Heinz Steguweit, entitled "Wie ich den Herrgott kennenlernte" ("When I Met God") in 2011 ALTA Conference. At last year's conference in Philadelphia, he chaired a panel on the translation of creative non-fiction. He also discussed his use of the practice of translation to reveal concrete military-historical details in a boys' adventure story published late in WWII.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Wong's first book

Chris Wong’s (MFA 2010) first book, Songs For Margaret Cravens, was recently published by USPOCO BOOKS.

Review of McHugh's book in Poetry Magazine

Ashley Anna McHugh’s (MFA 2011) first book, Into These Knots, received a great review in the latest issue of Poetry Magazine.

Angelino awarded Arkansas Arts Council Grant

Mary Angelino (MFA 2011) received a 2011 Arkansas Arts Council Artist Fellowship grant.

Peterson in Permafrost

Josh Peterson short story “Release" was a finalist in the Permafrost fiction contest and is forthcoming in the journal. His short story "Whirlwind" was a finalist in the McGlinn Contest.

Heil in The Portland Review Online

Kathleen Heil (first year MFA in translation) has three poems (“Life in a Foreign Country,” “Statue of Limitations, I” and “aisotropes”) in The Portland Review Online. She also has a prose poem (“think of the last bad novel you read read this you think of this”) in Pear Noir! #6, Summer 2011.

Settelmeyer awarded ALTA Fellowship

Nikki Settelmeyer’s translation of HernĂ¡n Migoya’s short stories received the 2011 ALTA Travel Fellowship.

New poems by Aran Donovan

Aran Donovan has four poems forthcoming: one in the next issue of Southern Poetry Review, two in the next issue of Cider Press Review, and one in RHINO 2012.