Thursday, February 26, 2015

Davis in San Pedro River Review

Faculty member Geffrey Davis has two new poems in the spring 2015 "Fathers" issue of San Pedro River Review. Pick up your copy to read "What I Mean When I Say Harmony" and "From the Unsent Letters: Variations on Longing," the latter co-written with F. Douglas Brown.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Jabaily-Blackburn to Appear on Jeopardy!

What's one of the coolest things our graduates have been up to? Poetry alum Jen Jabaily-Blackburn (2011) made it onto Jeopardy! Watch Jen take on Alex Trebek and his board of clues March 9, when her episode airs. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Writers Guild Honors Pizzolatto

Alum Nic Pizzolatto (2005) picked up two awards from the Writers Guild of America last week! Nic is the creator and sole writer of the critically acclaimed HBO series True Detective, which WGA honored as Best New Series and Best Drama. Watch Nic accept the awards here and here.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Donovan & Nickol Both Featured in CutBank

Issue 82 of CutBank features work by two of our graduates! Pick up your copy or subscribe online to read the short story "Missing" by Ben Nickol (2011) and "The Moon Considers the Body," a poem by Aran Donovan (2013).

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Morris Essay in Inside Higher Ed

Can university-run literary magazines thrive, or even survive, in the current institutional climate? Alum Ian Morris (1991) and Joanne Diaz consider this in Inside Higher Ed, with their essay "The Future of the University Quarterly." Morris and Diaz have co-edited a volume on the topic, The Little Magazine in Contemporary America, due out this year.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Longhorn Featured on Poem of the Week features alum Sandy Longhorn (2003), author of The Girlhood Book of Prairie Myths. Head over to the site to read poems from the collection and a review by Angele Ellis.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

McCombs in 32 Poems

Issue 12.2 of 32 Poems features new work by our director, Davis McCombs. Pick up your copy today to read his poems, "Wind in the Ozarks" and "Old Stith."

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cincinnati Review Features McHugh

"The Red Hours," a long poem by alum Ashley Anna McHugh (2011) appears in the winter 2015 issue of The Cincinnati Review. The issue--dedicated to long-form work--also features work by Steve Almond and Kathryn Davis. You can read a snippet of Ashley's poem on the CR blog.

Monday, February 9, 2015

New Heil Story in Quarterly West

Issue 84 of Quarterly West features an original story by fourth-year student Kathleen Heil. You can read "Edification" in its entirety online. Kathleen also has a story, "Order e Progress," forthcoming in issue 5 of The Atlas Review. Way to go, Kathleen!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Scott Poems in New Madrid

The winter 2015 issue of New Madrid features two poems by recent graduate John I. Scott (2014). Pick up your copy today to read “The Life Masks” and “Perimeter Roads.”

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Biguenet in The Southern Review

Alum John Biguenet (1975) is featured in The Southern Review's winter 2015 issue, with his poem "Ax in the Face."

"Not the first time,
nor was it the last,
my face would advance
before common sense...."

Pick up your copy to read the full poem!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tamigi Translation in Hayden's Ferry Review

Third-year student Chris Tamigi has a new translation out. "Impure Acts," a story by Italian author Mauro Covacich, appears in issue 55 of Hayden's Ferry Review.